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Medical Report

According to the "Giornale del Popolo", HCL's defenseman Julien Vauclair still suffers from headache after Josh Holden's check and won't be able to play tonight. However, Chris Campoli, Eric Walsky, Jordy Murray and Raffaele Sannitz seem to be ready to scratch the ice again. Still injured: Flavien Conne, Dan Fritsche, Brady Murray and Michael Flückiger.

Letzte Transfers

(M) Nick Meile (D, 20) EP Player Profile
SC Bern arrow HC Lugano Transaction
(C) Andreas Tschudi (F, 25) EP Player Profile
EHC Arosa arrow EHC Basel Transaction
(C) Gianluca Barbei (F, 23) EP Player Profile
HC La Chaux-de-Fonds arrow EHC Basel Transaction
(C) Aaro Törmänen (D, 23) EP Player Profile
HC Ambrì-Piotta arrow EHC Basel Transaction
(C) Vincent Dekumbis (F, 26) EP Player Profile
Port Huron Prowlers arrow GDT Bellinzona Snakes Transaction