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Medical Report

Struggling with health issues since earlier this year, the forward finally knows the likely cause for them - an inflammatory bowel disease.

HC Ajoie's on-ice practice this summer started without Kevin Bozon. The forward has been battling health issues for a while, and finally has a possible answer for his troubles. Doctors have diagnosed the Frenchman with Crohn's disease, as Le Quotidien Jurassien (relayed by "SwissHabs") writes.

"I am not complaining. I hope to go on living a normal life", Bozon is cited. "I know I will have to take medication and undergo more treatments. But that should not cost me any energy, just a few trips to the hospital."

The forward hopes to be able to get back to on-ice practice as quickly as possible.

( 06 August 2024 | esi )

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