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The 32-year-old forward announced in March that he would not return to EV Zug. It seems like he has found his new home now.

Monika Majer / RvS.Media

According to Göteborgs-Posten (relayed by, he has decided to return to Frölunda HC, the team he played for during his youth. Team manager Fredrik Sjöström was, however, not willing to confirm or deny the report.

Klingberg told the "Luzerner Zeitung" in April that he would consider staying in Switzerland if a suitable offer were made to him. Klingberg signed with EV Zug in 2016 and has only ever played for them during his stay in Switzerland. This season, he recorded seven goals and eleven assists in 38 regular-season games.

( 02 May 2023 | mso* )

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