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According to Aftonbladet, the current coach of EV Zug has already found his new job from the next summer.

Monika Majer / RvS.Media

As known, Dan Tangnes will leave EV Zug at the end of the current season to move closer to home. It seems now that the 45-year-old Norwegian coach has been hired by Rögle BK, for which he already worked in various capacities at the beginning of his career from 2005 to 2013. The Swedish club has not confirmed the hiring of Tangnes yet but apparently, they have already informed their current head coach, Roger Hansson.

However, asked by "Blick" earlier today, Tangnes has assured he has not signed anything and explained that he is not even sure whether he will indeed be behind a bench or rather taking a break from coaching.

( 27 November 2024 | lle )

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