With their first professional contract, the four youngsters are fully integrated into the main squad of EV Zug, which already includes nine players who have spent time in EV Zug's junior organization. Nic Balestra, 19, has already been part of the men's team this season, while Robin Antenen, Mischa Geisser, and Loris Wey (all 18 years old) have also played a handful of games in the National League.
The four youngsters are completing the educational program at The Hockey Academy (THA), a concept that binds sports, training, and education. They are now in their fourth and final year. Robin Antenen, Nic Balestra, and Mischa Geisser aim for a commercial apprenticeship, while Loris Wey for a high school diploma.
Of the 58 graduates from the THA so far, 18 are currently playing in the National League, nine in the Swiss League, and six abroad. “Around two players per class make it into the Swiss professional leagues. This year there are at least five. The aim is of course to integrate as many talented players as possible into the team, but this is not always possible", explains EV Zug's team manager Reto Kläy.