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National League

As rumored, the 32-year-old Czech goaltender will continue playing for the Lions.

Monika Majer / RvS.Media

Arrived in Zurich for the 2022-23 season, Šimon Hrubec has established himself as one of the best goaltenders stats-wise as the ZSC Lions' team manager Sven Leuenberger confirms: "Šimon is one of the best goalies in our league and an absolute top performer at ZSC. We are very happy with him and he wants to stay with us. The contract extension is therefore a logical consequence."

Last season, Hrubec posted a save percentage of .927 in the regular season and .923 in the playoffs. So far into this season, he has appeared in 23 games averaging a .933 save percentage, the second-highest value in the league, only behind HC Davos' Sandro Aeschlimann.

( 13 December 2023 | lle )

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