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National League

Team manager Hnat Domenichelli will take over the head coaching duties for the next three games.

Sami Kapanen is no longer behind Lugano's bench

In their press release, HC Lugano emphasizes that they have tried everything in the last few weeks to lead HC Lugano back to the road of success.
However, last night’s 7-2 loss against HC Ambrì-Piotta proved to be one loss too much, as it «showed that the team does not respond to the impulses of the coaching staff». Sami Kapanen and Stefan Nyman will thus have to bid farewell to Lugano after only half a season.

HC Lugano currently is on eleventh place in the standings and averages 1.17 points per game (also eleventh place).

( 18 December 2019 | mso* )

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