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National League

While one forward has signed an extension, the other has not received any offer from the club and is headed elsewhere.

Monika Majer / RvS.Media

Lilian Garessus has put his name under a new deal with HC Ajoie. As his contract was valid until next summer, this makes him a member of the club until 2026. The 20-year-old started his junior career with Ajoie, finished it with EHC Biel, made his first steps in men's hockey with the latter, and then returned to the former in 2022.

"I am delighted to be able to keep Lilian Garessus, a player formed in our academy.", team manager Julien Vauclair notes. "He is young and still has great potential for development."

Fabio Arnold, on the other hand, has not gotten an extension offer and will thus leave Ajoie. The two years he spent with the club were his second stint with them, after already being part of them from 2018 to 2020. 

( 11 April 2024 | esi )

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