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National League

The first matchup will have HC Fribourg-Gottéron facing Lausanne HC, which is technically a game from Round 26, but moved forward.

For the rest of the teams, the regular season kicks off two days later,  on Friday, September 15. There will be a full round played that evening. 51 rounds later, the regular season will come to an end on Monday, March 3, with another seven-game evening.

The first part of the playoffs, the new play-ins, will take place from March 7 to 13. Three days later, the "proper" playoffs and the playouts start. Game 7 of the final is scheduled for April 30. 

( 15 June 2023 | esi )

Latest Transfers

(M) Stéphane Charlin (G, 24) EP Player Profile
SCL Tigers arrow Genève-Servette HC Transaction
(C) Alex Formenton (CAN) (F, 25) EP Player Profile
HC Ambrì-Piotta arrow retired Transaction
(C) Marco Müller (F, 30) EP Player Profile
HC Lugano arrow SC Bern Transaction
(C) Philip Åhlström (D, 29) EP Player Profile
GDT Bellinzona Snakes arrow SC Langenthal Transaction
(C) Dominik Kubalík (CZE) (F, 29) EP Player Profile
Ottawa Senators arrow HC Ambrì-Piotta Transaction
