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Swiss League

With almost a thousand games under his belt, the forward will switch his focus to his family and his off-ice job.

On his 36th birthday, Adrien Lauper announced his retirement in a post on Instagram. He shared his personal hockey story, his emotions, his thoughts. "Today, my heart has decided to say goodbye to ice hockey, to commit myself fully to my family and my job."

Throughout his long career, Lauper was deprived of a title up until the last possible moment - when he was a member of the then-still HCB Ticino Rockets, playing on loan for HC La Chaux-de-Fonds for the last bit of the regular season and the playoffs. With them, he won the 2022-23 Swiss League title 

"Leaving the world of professional sports is a moment filled with strong emotions. I feel lucky to be able to do so at this precise moment in my life, with the Swiss League title with HCC. I couldn't have wished for anything better!"

As Lauper notes, he went through a battle with depression following the Covid crisis. He has recovered and is finally feeling happy and fulfilled again. 

( 14 August 2023 | esi )

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