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Swiss League

The two parties have mutually agreed to dissolve the contract valid for the 2024-25 season.

HC Thurgau

Hours before the start of their preseason, HC Thurgau announced that Valentin Senn would take time off from hockey to recover from a not better-specified health problem. The 21-year-old defender will then decide on his future in hockey. Senn has been with the Lions since the 2020-21 season but only suited up five times with them last season. 

On a side note, the club also announced that two youngsters from HC Fribourg-Gottéron's organization have been trying out with the team since the start of this week. Defender Thibault Martin and forward Mikael Slehofer, both 19, will thus have a chance to earn a spot in Thurgau's roster for the upcoming season.

( 09 August 2024 | lle )

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