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Werde Teil von swisshockeynews.ch

Wir sind stets auf der Suche nach passionierten Hockeyfans, die mithelfen wollen, unser Projekt auf das nächste Level zu heben.

Wir sind auf der Suche nach:

Online Editor (English)

Hinweis: Dieser Job betrifft den englischsprachigen Teil unserer Webseite.

As an online editor, it is your task to screen the online resources on a regular basis and publish short articles directly to our website.

This is a home office job and does not need your full attention at any time of day. It can be combined with other works or activities. The number of working hours per week can be discussed individually.

To be one of our online editors you don’t need to be a journalist, just a passionate hockey fan. You have to be based in Switzerland and have a good grasp of German and English (syntax & orthography).

In return, you’ll be joining a young and dynamic team of hockey maniacs. In addition, we cover your expenses in connection with the job and offer you a small(!) annual compensation.

Letzte Transfers

(C) Vincent Dekumbis (F, 26) EP Player Profile
Port Huron Prowlers arrow GDT Bellinzona Snakes Transaction
(C) Ian Marchetti (F, 19) EP Player Profile
GDT jun. arrow GDT Bellinzona Snakes Transaction
(C) Auguste Impose (F, 27) EP Player Profile
GDT Bellinzona Snakes arrow ? Transaction
(C) Gianluca Cortiana (F, 22) EP Player Profile
GDT Bellinzona Snakes arrow ? Transaction
(C) Aidan Hughes (G, 25) EP Player Profile
GDT Bellinzona Snakes arrow ? Transaction