Swiss Ice Hockey

Due to technical reasons, the customers of the provider will have to be patient for a couple more weeks.

The two providers are not ready from a technical point of view.

As part of the agreement between Swisscom and UPC announced during the summer, customers of the two providers will be able to watch sport broadcasts of both Teleclub and MySports, meaning that customers of Swisscom will be able to purchase MySports and watch National League and Swiss League games. When that is actually going to be possible, however, is still an open question.

"Both on our part and that of UPC, all this requires adequate technical preparation", explained Swisscom's spokeswoman Ivana Sambo to Radio3i (relayed by Ticinonews). "Both we and UPC are working hard to integrate the relevant content and make it available to our customers as quickly as possible." continues Sambo.

A precise date, however, is not yet defined: "The problem with announcing a date is that if you can't keep it, one might be disappointed. However we can say in the next weeks" reveals Sambo. The 2020-21 season is set to start in two days.

( 29 September 2020 | lle* )